Students will love this Autumn Themed Writing and Poetry Pack
Included in this 23 page NO PREP needed resource:
Cinquain and Quatrain Autumn Poetry
Autumn Sensory Poem Template
Writing Tasks
Creative Writing Story Activities
Compare and Contrast (seasonal task)
Brainstorming Templates and lots more!
This is perfect for Early Finishers and/or can be used as part of a whole unit of work on Seasons if you are focusing on Autumn.
Your students will love these worksheets and so will you! No prep needed- just print and use!
Check out the preview!
Tackle bullying before it starts with this little PSHE pack.
It covers the story of Gemma and Lucy and both wanting friendship. Ideal for Circle Time.
The pack has been put together to encourage speaking and listening during a PSHE lesson.
21 Slides in total. Can be used for display areas and/or used further in Literacy Lessons.
Everything you need is included in this pack to tackle Diwali!
Pack includes the story of Princess Sita and Prince Rama.
Follow on worksheets included for all the class (differentiated sheets included for the less able).
A huge pack of 91 pages - classwork, discussion cards, worksheets and display materials!
Check out the preview!
Students will love these fabulous Winter Writing Printables.
Included in this 20 page NO PREP needed download-
Writing Templates with Winter/Seasonal related pictures
Cinquain and Quatrain Poetry Templates
Sensory Poem Templates
Writing Tasks
Compare and Contrast (seasonal task)
Brainstorming Templates
Your students will love these worksheets and so will you! No prep needed- just print and use!
Included in this 40 page download-
Multiple printables including:
My Healthy Plate
Healthy Foods versus Unhealthy Foods
Writing Templates
Ideal for EYFS and KS1
Circle Time is a vital component in the EYFS and early Key Stage One. When children have opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas in a safe, encouraging environment, they begin to learn that they are valued, capable, and important members of the group. Circle Time is a time to reflect on things learnt, discuss new ideas and to practice listening and speaking skills.
This pack will enable you to have lengthy discussions during February's Circle Time. Included are over 80 slides and printables.
You can extend many of these activities and questions further.
The pack covers Literacy, Maths, PSHE and Understanding the World.
Included in this download:
1 February Calendar with numbers
The pack is heart themed for Valentine's Day.
4 Heart Colour Association Match Up Games
One Hearts Phonics (includes single sounds, digraphs and blends)
Several PSHE related Question Cards
February Fun with Numbers (heart themed)
One full set of number flashcards (hearts)
14 February Topic Words
1 Topic Word Mat
One February Word Wall
Valentine's Day Cards!
Take a look at the preview! It really is a HUGE pack! Laminate and use year after year.
This pack is ideal for EYFS/KS1 for PSHE and covers the area of learning on Emotions.
The pack includes coloured flashcards with infographics and several printables / worksheets. Worksheets are differentiated. Included are several writing tempaltes ideal for the more able emergent writers.
A fun pack of 35 pages that you and your students will love!
No prep required.
Check the preview!
This 45 page pack includes differentiated worksheets, flashcards and colouring pages for EYFS/KS1.
Includes Humans and Animals and their senses.
Discusses several different animals and how they use their senses in comparison to us.
These can be discussed further.
Includes tracing for the less able and writing extension pages for the more able.
Includes one full set of display cards- these can be used during discussion time and/or for display purposes.
Over 20 printables!
Fun lettering for displays.
Includes lower and uppercase letters, exclamation marks, full stops and question marks!
Print as many copies as you need, laminate for long term durability!
Font is a PRINT.
This workbook includes 3 worksheets per colour.
It's an excellent collection of worksheets that can easily be used as part of a workbook to introduce colours to EYFS without overloading them with information.
A fun, black and white colouring book for EYFS.
-Colour the crayons the appropriate colour.
-Trace the colour words
Ideal for the start of year to tackle colour recognition or at the end of the year for revision!
Retelling stories encourages children to use their imagination and expand their ideas.
Included in this pack is the story of a young Princess called Lisa. Lisa is sad until she meets a friend, the frog.
The story is simple and easy for children to understand. Sentences are short and concise.
Included in the pack is a 'Create your own story / Retell the story book template'. This is differentiated. Included for the LA the story is written out with only a space to draw a picture, for the M/H there is no script, sentences must be constructed and the story must be retold with words and drawings.
The download is a total of 39 pages.
One Fairy Tale in Colour
One Fairy Tale 'DIY' Template differentiated
One set of class posters and clipart characters for display purposes.
10 Worksheets to RETELL
1 Poem related to retelling stories
Giant Frogs to colour
Crowns to colour
Violins to colour
You have everything you need in this pack to not only have a great lesson but you can also create a Fairy Tale display.